Vermicomposting turns the kitchen waste and other green waste into dark, nutrient-rich soil. Due to the presence of microorganisms, it maintains healthy soil. Vermicomposting is an eco-friendly process that recycles organic waste into compost and produces valuable nutrients.
Vermicomposting, or worm composting, turns kitchen scraps and other green waste into a rich, dark soil that smells like earth and feels like magic. Made of almost pure worm castings, it’s a sort of super compost. Not only is it rich in nutrients but it’s also loaded with the microorganisms that create and maintain healthy soil.
As a Vermicomposting farmer, we have more than 5+ years of experiences.
Vermicompost is a measure produced by composting waste materials by using earthworms. Earthworms digest as low as two percent of the food consumed by them and hence excrete about ninety-eight percent of food consumed. The excreta of earthworms is always considered natural manure. The modern method of controlled feeding and collection of excreta is known as vermin-composting. It has already become a popular process of manufacturing Bio-fertilizer, and in some places like Bangalore municipal waste is processed by Vermi-composting techniques.
Global management refers to the way an organization manages its business internationally, including its sales, marketing, hiring and finance practices. Many schools offer training and degree programs in global management.
Learn MoreBanks issue new money when they make loans. In contemporary banking systems, regulators set a minimum level of reserve funds that banks must hold against the deposit liabilities created by the funding of these loans, in order to ensure that the banks can meet demands for payment of such deposits. These reserves can be acquired through the acceptance of new deposits, sale of other assets, or borrowing from other banks including the central bank.
Learn MoreAsset management is the art and science of making the right decisions and optimising the delivery of value. A common objective is to minimise the whole life cost of assets but there may be other critical factors such as risk or business continuity to be considered objectively in this decision making.
Learn MoreA premier commercial bank providing a wide range of financial products. Invest Bank offers a wide range of banking services, adopting a customer driven, time and effort saving policy under the supervision of a highly qualified and specialized bank team.
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